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Introducing Hoowla

Simplifying the conveyancing process with the latest technology

We’re proud to have invest­ed in the very lat­est legal case man­age­ment soft­ware, cre­at­ed by spe­cial­ists Hoowla. 

We’re com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing great results to our cus­tomers through qual­i­ty work. Part of this com­mit­ment involves con­tin­u­ing to adopt the most recent and effi­cient tech­nol­o­gy to help make man­age­ment of your case as swift and seam­less as possible.

Hoowla is a cloud-based soft­ware which makes it eas­i­er for us to man­age your case. This includes get­ting the infor­ma­tion you need to you as soon as pos­si­ble as well as all the nec­es­sary doc­u­ments to progress your instruc­tion. By automat­ing many of the basic admin tasks, Hoowla makes it eas­i­er than ever for you to sign and sub­mit all the nec­es­sary legal paper­work in order to progress your case. 

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Hoowla Delivers Efficiency

The software has been created with expert legal teams in mind. As well as making processes much easier and more efficient for you, the customer, it also streamlines processes for us. By automating the conveyancing process, our teams are free to focus their expertise on the areas that they’re best at, ensuring you get the most out of our professionals at every stage in the process.

Hoowla improves the conveyancing process:

  • Simplifies ID Checks

  • Saves time on searches

  • Improves customer journey, KYC and onboarding

  • Speeds up the average transaction

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We’re Committed to Best Practice

Perhaps more importantly though, Hoowla’s software is secure and specifically designed to support fraud prevention methods. At JBGass we’ve always been committed to best practice in this area. Now however, thanks to features including secure centralised data storage and the facilitation of secure communication with costumes, we can provide greater assurance than ever before that we are committed to client security.

The introduction of Hoowla reflects part of our commitment to always invest in the very latest technology. The experience is much better for you overall but, through document automation, our teams are also made more available to focus on getting the most out of your instruction.

How Hoowla Improves Conveyancing

  • Clients can be onboard­ed in hours, not days. They can com­plete and sign doc­u­ments dig­i­tal­ly and upload them

  • Hoowla facil­i­tates the quick deploy­ment of wel­come packs from with­in the sys­tem to the client. No time is wast­ed com­pil­ing and gath­er­ing the documents

  • Using the client por­tal, clients can login and track the progress of their case in real time. They can also request updates, leave notes and inter­act with shared documents

  • Clients may import, edit, send and receive enquiries dig­i­tal­ly for stress-free enquiries

  • Emails are inte­grat­ed direct­ly into the sys­tem and doc­u­ments and notes can be dig­i­tal­ly shared by the legal team ensur­ing seam­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion on the case

How can we help you with Hoowla?

The best thing about Hoowla is that you can track the progress of cas­es in real time, leave notes and upload doc­u­ments direct­ly to the case. In-house, our team can see the whole pipeline of cas­es they are involved in at a glance. As well as this they get update emails on cas­es when things are pro­gress­ing. Over­all, Hoowla makes for a more sim­pli­fied and seam­less process for Con­veyancers and clients. 

To find out how Hoowla and JBGass could make the entire con­veyanc­ing process sim­pler, get in touch via the form below. 

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