Prop­er­ty law and speed aren’t always things that go hand in hand.

When things go right, you can buy and sell in weeks. When things go wrong, things can take sev­er­al months. A local estate agent is cur­rent­ly quot­ing 5 months. Yet, our case man­age­ment is cur­rent­ly sug­gest­ing it’s tak­ing us an aver­age of 8 weeks (it’s impor­tant to note this is an aver­age and some are quick­er or slower).

Before I let you into our secret, it’s impor­tant to note two things;

  1. despite what you may read, prop­er­ty law is com­plex and some cas­es will always take longer to deal with due to fore­seen or unfore­seen circumstances
  2. 3rd par­ties will always have the abil­i­ty to slow a trans­ac­tion — it’s dif­fi­cult to con­trol this but there has been an improve­ment with technology.

With the above points in mind, as a pes­simist, you could argue there’s lit­tle that can be done to mit­i­gate the speed. As an opti­mist, I’m look­ing at the areas we can con­trol and how we can speed them up.

We’ve made changes through­out the process recent­ly but the game chang­er has been client onboard­ing. If you think back to the orig­i­nal process, it involved paper, first-class post and bring­ing your ID to the office.

For now though, and for those that want to, we can offer a ful­ly dig­i­tal onboard­ing ser­vice. The result has been onboard­ing takes days rather than weeks; the record is 30 min­utes from send­ing doc­u­ments to receipt of completed.

If you don’t believe me, give it a try for your­self or con­tact me for a no-oblig­a­tion demo.